Salam dear all..
Just finished p jalan2 cuchi mata d sekitar my workplace.. berjalan2 penuh maksud.. erm.... watever it is... how sucks my life is now.. or the hellish feeling i feel stabbing in my heart.. I must fight it!! heheh.. Linking to our motto, Strive To Excel...
Despite all... i read a lot about how to manage our Anger... Thanx to dewi, for her books.. the Chicken Soup.. i read it a past few years ago, but that books really help me a lot, same with when I read Islamic Books that really make me 'muhasabah diri'.....
Again.. the words LOVE itself always making me Living in MISERY... then it's really true about this statement i read when i was in Form 2 Love is A dog From Hell... From my past experience, i was suffering when my heart was captured by someone, as if, everything's within his controlled, never forgotten how the Chemistry began.... and the soft feeling that existed in the two hearts.... is that Infatuation or Love???
Define Relationship--> once again... somebody said to me, Relationship is not mean to be conquered by someone... to be fully in control within a symetry... HUH... (STARLIGHT betulll la!!) i dont have problem to define relationship because in a Book Pengobat Hati that i got from our Maulidur Rasul Day... it's really have a deep meaningful lesson an a lot of advices about what is Love and Marriage things.. i want to sing Tak bisa Memiliki-Samson.. huhuhuh... yalah.. bukan bermaksud bila kita kahwin, kita boleh miliki org itu 100%... saya suka ADVENTURE ba... Hidup yg penuh ADVENTURE... huwahahah... kan best kalau dia seorang drifter, itu paling bagus dan memiliki tahap otak yang Genius! hohohohoh.. (d mana mo cari org begitu oh)
erm... if one day i have a husband, what kind of Life it would be??? To have such a good companion in my future life... He must be the best among the best!!! the big point is, he must be someone that good in Management things! yalah.. Gelaran pun Suami... he he he.. i am imagining that our lives will be in a happy family and a lot of activities that we can do together, such as:-
1.In works... i will love it when he listens i'm talking about my job...( which are known a lot of stress in working it out) yalah.. skop kerja saya ni berbeza, lebih kepada critical thinking) huh... damn stress out.. huhu
2.In our daily Life--> i want to have a Simple Life, Private Life yg Happy.. nda kesahlah rumah kami kecil(yg penting rumah sendiri)... to be independent, kalau boleh, saya namaw tinggal dgn mertua or my parents.. saya mau kami tinggal di rumah sendiri... PRIVATE! mo gaduhka, mo ada punch bag di rumah tu, supaya kalau rasa2 panas hati, buli exercise tangan, menumbuk2 dpt juga build muscle.. huwahahahaha
3. If problem arise, everything can be discussed in a civil manner.... don't let emotional guide us, but let our mind and rationality make a decision... kalau ikut perasaan marah ni, Syaitan pun suka.. menanglah Syaitan tu bila tahap kewarasan sudah tiada.. to be honest.. Saya sudah puas dikecewakan dgn gaya2 LBD, jadi my expectation towards Guy ne.. sebenarnya malas mo expect tinggi2... At least APPREACIATON in everythings we do together... Help Each Other, jan harap saya ja buat suma keja d ruma.. yaloh.. sama2 juga keja... jadi paham2 la.... Sendri mo ingat ma!!
I think, that 3 things for now... ha ha ha...
Skrg my Point of Life--> My Graduation Day & to be the best internal auditor in my workplace.. Personal is personal, but when it comes to work, that what makes me really happy.. and my studies... other than that.. of course la my beloved Family--> ibu,ayah, my 2 bro and my lil sis... May all of 'em succeed in achieving their own victory, as my Journey is still far..... (Journey to The WEST.. huhuhuh)
Yeay.... Alhamdulillah, we will have a family vacation and i'm looking forward to go to Capetown next Year... Mudah2an dapat sbb ni tahun Bz berabis... This coming June we will have a Syarahan Perdana oleh Ketua Audit Negara.. big function ooo... tapi lps tu pi snorkelling... YEAYY!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
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yep, life must go on.
huhuh... towards a brighter Day,each and everyday of our Life... Dinawan Island.. here i come!!!
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