Salam dear my fwen..
i just read my fwens blog regarding Cleo's mag about our Senior.. BTW, sa heran jugakla napa dorang my formmates tia kenal si Bambang ne.. abis.. dulu dia budak Beta, so dia ni kwn kak Rozie n Kak Margie... so ekceli i knew him jugakla... erks penah beckp dgn dia.. n biasala bebudak Beta ni history dia sumer pon terer2 BI, aku kan comot tem tu nda terer BI, kin malu jak... hihiihihihi....
watever it is, he's smart n sapa gurl dpt dia mmg Lucky, eh... bukan Gurl la.. Woman.. aku ni bebalik tesyasull... abesss, cemana jua... in my mind, Age is just a Number, but the way we thinking of Life, our experiences, dat really make a huge differences...
erks... speaking of Experiences in LIFE.... i just can say.. i had experienced HELL, i mean... The Black Era of my cycling Life... mebi, most of my new fren didnt know, but i think, my Old fren must knew wat had happened to me.. All i can say, 2004 mmg Soy... wakakaka.. i met Soy Yan, chee seng Ren etc at the other island of Whore n Black Pirate... huhuhuh...
Well... when Human obsessed by Satan, including me(tho i enchanted Auzubillahiminassyaitannirrojim everytime i walked and felt the fright, but paham2 laaaa)
Wat for i'm thinking of my past??? coz i want to Muhasabah Diri, Jauh di sudut hati saya, i kept praying dat 1 Day i will met a man dat will save me from the darkness... Can i sing Tak Bisa Memiliki ka by Samson? hehehhe... sebenarnya, i'm really a cheerful n happy go Lucky person... as i said, sa ne pemalas mo bepikir( ka tampau byk pikir) atau........ a Free Thinker but Berlandaskan unsur Islam? huhuhuhuuhuh.... skema ka saya? the Prob is, i grew up in a school which name is MOZAC, eh eh.. Katak di atas bukit ba sa ne dulu... My world is full wif genius peepz, n i encountered The Man of the Year 1998(huhuhuhu) erkss si najib kan Menteri Pelajaran tem tu, jadey dia dtg nek heli p skool kami... elehh.. TKC igt dorang jak ka pandai? wahahahhaha... but during dat time, kami ada kelas Add Math, prohibited to attending the Partyy bebeh... so kami tingu dri balkoni ja la... me as individual, No heart feeling tgk their enjoyness... sa Malas ba mo p bzbody, wlupon kami turut dicelebrate ketika itu kerana penuntut PMR 1997 jugak flying kalers, pecah rekod juga bukan si Abg Lalat n Abg Wahid ja yg skor 10A1 like our Mr Principal, En.Md Zin said... these students passed wif almost 100% for each subject( tapi pemeriksa tia buli bagi gitu sbb prosidur).. eh... Glory ka? think of it yourself..
N i'm not one of 'em.. i just heard Rumours..... wuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuh....... i'm not dat genius peepz.. i am just ordinary Sabahan gurl ba... i'm not a girl, not yet a woman. in between...(alamak, trip Britney ne taw)... sa mo dedica8 lagu Sometimes utk ko Mr.Pian(soree mention ur name) org nda kenal juga ko sapa ya... saya ja yg mengenali dirimu ini... hihihihi.....
waduh2... gwe sih bengkek neh..(nah bechampul2 na bahasa aku ini jon) almaklumla.. Sabahanz kan.. mmg beginiz... Giloz2... n santiks... eh..(prasan plak) huhuhuhuhu.. Kenyataan ah.. org smenanjung yg bilang.. tapi siapa yg harus dipersalahkan????? mereka dan keluarga mereka.. bah melalut suda saya ni... cari mood bai ne buat report tahap Dewa Dewi, puteri kayangan ini turun ke bumi utk bermain 2 lalu terjumpa Putera idaman kalbunya... hahahhahahaha...(pelamin angan2 ku yg telah musnah sejak dahulu kala) but i believe in DEJAVU... please i peepz.... Sa penah mimpi satu situasi n it really happened.. (betulka istilah Dejavu itu untuk digunapakai?? ahakz!
Last but not least... sebagai ikhtibar n tauladan, Marilah kita menyahut cabaran SDC sambil menerapkan budaya K-ekonomi di Sabah ni khususnya.. he he he
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